Christmas pictures
Here are the pictures that go with the last post.
We've spent most of this week in Bamenda for the annual Cameroon Missionary Fellowship conference. There are over 100 people in attendance from three different mission sending agencies---the Baptist General Conference, the North American Baptists, and World Team---and, best of all for us, the conference is being led by a team of short-termers who are all great friends of ours from Minneapolis and Bethlehem Baptist Church. Dan Holst has been leading us in singing, and Tom Steller has been teaching. Tomorrow morning the conference wraps up, and we'll all---the team included---head back to Ndu, and Alex Kirk and Dave Sowers (pastor of Morningside Baptist Church in Sioux City, Iowa, which is one of our supporting churches) will lead J-term modular courses on Biblical Theology and Pastoral Theology. We're really looking forward to having this team see our "stomping grounds"; I said to Dan Holst a couple of days ago that it feels a little bit like bringing a new friend back to your hometown and showing them all your favorite places where you made many memories.
It's been a whirlwind week, so that's why there hasn't been much on the blog. We'll try to write more of an update about the conference and the team's time here soon.
Until then, blessings,
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